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Foundations are in a unique position to make the RiseUP Fellowship, or our new Scholars program, a reality for more talent.

By sponsoring a Fellow or helping to fund our Scholars program, you’ll be giving them an opportunity they may have been unable to access on their own, allowing them to build skills and set them up for full-time employment—all while helping nonprofits with pro bono marketing work in the process. And, your contribution to RiseUP is mostly tax deductible, providing even greater benefits to your foundation.

RiseUP Fellowship

$42,000 covers 9 months of training + certifications, a comfortable stipend, 1:1 mentorship, technology, and program administration FOR ONE FELLOW.

RiseUP Scholars

$12,000 covers 6 months of training + certifications, 1:1 mentorship, group resources, online communities, and program administration for FOUR SCHOLARS.


But we can only make it happen with YOUR support.

What does your funding make possible
for the RiseUP Fellowship?


A Living Stipend

Our generous $800/week stipend allows Fellows to focus on learning while building solid industry experience throughout their Fellowship—and beyond

Home Office Upgrades

We offer our Fellows a $500 allo to improve their WFH situation and create a space that will set them up for success

Training Programs

Our Fellows complete several industry-leading training programs as part of their Fellowship, helping to develop their platform knowledge and tactical skills

High-Speed Wifi

A weak internet connection shouldn’t stop anyone from being able to pursue their dreams, so we pay for wifi to ensure equitable access for all our Fellows

Agency Resources

Mentors from Media Cause and other partner agencies take on Fellowship responsibilities as part of their everyday roles, often going above and beyond what’s expected

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We know how important having the right technology can be, so we provide all our Fellows with a setup that allows them to do their best work

Pro bono Work

RiseUP Fellows provide hands-on support to nonprofit organizations throughout their time with us, gaining knowledge and confidence while giving back to the community

And most importantly…

Your funding supports tangible progress toward increasing diversity, access, and opportunity in the industry. And honestly, it’s hard to put a price on that.

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Help fund the future.

We’re here to fight for greater diversity and inclusion in the marketing, advertising, and nonprofit industries—but we can’t do it alone. We need Foundations and funding partners to help ensure RiseUP can support as many Fellows as possible, giving them the experience and opportunity to not only launch successful careers, but also to help change the world.