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Help the next generation of talent succeed

RiseUP Fellows and Scholars come from a variety of different backgrounds, and have a whole host of different interests. Some want to explore the creative side of the industry. Some are passionate about learning strategy or social media. And others aren’t quite sure where they’re headed just yet. But no matter their paths, they can all benefit from having an experienced Mentor by their side.

Whether you’re a working at big agency, leading your own company, or freelancing in the marketing, advertising, or nonprofit space, we’d love to have you join our team.

How can you get involved with RiseUP?


Become a 1:1 Mentor

Give back to the advertising and marketing community—and gain some gold stars of your own—by working alongside an individual Fellow or Scholar providing mentorship, training, and guidance throughout their program.

Host a Lunch + Learn

Drop some knowledge on our Fellows and Scholars by hosting a virtual group session(s) about your work and expertise in the industry. The sessions may be designed as discussions, workshops, or lectures—your voice, your choice.

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Have another Mentorship idea?

We’re open to all kinds of collaborations, and would love to talk more about working together to help change the industry.